How Does Individual Counselling Work?

Your Therapy Goals

Counselling Sessions are led by you, so that you never feel pressurised to talk about issues until you are ready. I will give you a safe space to talk and I will not judge you. I will try and help you make sense of things and understand yourself better.

I can help you resolve complicated feelings, or find ways to live with them and recognise unhelpful patterns in the way you think or act and help you change them if you want to

Counselling For Men

Status and Identity are common concerns for men. There are still so many expectations from ourselves and others about what a man should be. Research shows that men are far less likely to have therapy.

I thought therapy was not for me until a life changing event forced me to seek help. My luck was finding a male counsellor and when I started to talk to him, I wished that I had started therapy earlier.